Muse Magic - Creativity Coaching for Artists

for adult artists seeking inspiration and connection with their inner muse!


 Whether your path in the arts is just a passion or a career, this offered option is to give supportive aid to those well into their creative journey.

I will be able to offer dedicated one-on-one time to listen and advise you along your path, finding ways to connect with you and focus on your strengths, while mindfully challenging and guiding you towards your goals. 


 We will meet on-on-one on zoom to discuss where you are on your artistic path and work together in a personable way to find new ways to grow and achieve your sought after goals!

We'll focus on emotional regulation and physical exercises, take time to pause in your busy life, and invite room for joy and play in your creative process. One of the important goals of these exercises is to help you to feel how open and unique your journey in art can be.

In this dedicated time between the two of us, I will help you to center your voice and needs as an individual artist.


Together, we will build up your confidence and self awareness while increasing your creative flow and inspiration.

$40 / 30 min or $75 / 1 hour 
{ via Zoom }

Package of 8 one hour meetings available for $560.